A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Thursday 14.th

14 November 1861

Saturday 16th

16 November 1861
15 November 1861
Friday 15th



The whole of this morning was taken up in writing to my sons John and Charles. Such has been my anxiety occasioned by the intelligence communicated during the last week that I wrote to them both with unusual earnestness. The former is going through the forming process of the year after marriage, which is made more critical than usual by the unsettled state of the country. Both of them felt and still feel the general impulse to engage in this war. My own earnest wish, though not expressed to them is that they should keep out of it. No man who dips his hand in this blood will remember it with satisfaction. And I confess my aversion to see any of my blood either a victor or a victim in this fratricidal strife. The example of J A. Washington is quite enough for me. Thus far no honor has been acquired any where. I fear me that the issue will not belie the beginning. It was quite late when I got through— And then I took a walk to refresh my mind which always needs it after these two days of exertion. Mr Charles Hale dined with us. He has been travelling to divert his mind which has been somewhat depressed by disappointments. He seemed however in tolerably good spirits this evening, and staid until quite late. Mr Morse came in and talked with me somewhat. He mentioned two or three more vessels as about being equipped for the confederates. I then communicated to him the hint that had been given to me by Lord Russell, and suggested the expediency of consulting some distinguished jurist as to the possibility of bring the law to bear in these cases. At the same time I asked him to think of our position, as more or less engaged in similar undertakings. He promised that he would attend to it.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://nhckuf.jkchealthtech.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d319